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重大版英语三年级上册Unit2Look a ball课件3

Module 3,Unit 2 Point to the desk.,warm-up,Intruductions,Greetings,Hi.,Hello.,Im fine,thank you.,Good morning.,Good afternoon.,Im xxx.,Whats your name

重大版英语三年级上册Unit2Look a ball课件3Tag内容描述:

1、Module 3,Unit 2 Point to the desk.,warm-up,Intruductions,Greetings,Hi.,Hello.,Im fine,thank you.,Good morning.,Good afternoon.,Im xxx.,Whats your name?,How are you?,Im xxx.,warm-up,Play games,Stand up,please.,Sit down,please.,classroom,door,boy,girl,blackboard,window,bird,New words,Whats this in the classroom?,Whats this in the classroom?,Window Bird TV,Blackboard Door Desk chair,Point to the.,Match it!,window,desk,blackboard,door,bird,chair,1. Point to ,2. Stand up.,3. Sit down。

2、,Unit 2 How Are You?,陕西旅游版 三年级上册,Part B Lets learn,Part C Read and match & Look and complete& Point and say,Alice:I am H. H is in “hair”.,Kevin:I am J. J is in “jucie”.,H?,No.,lion /lan/ (名词) 狮子,milk/mlk/ (名词) 牛奶,night /nat/( 名词) 夜晚,晚上,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,活动开始啦!我来指,你来说。,Night?,No?,Lets learn,重点词汇,【复数形式】lions 【例句】 Lions like eating meat.狮子喜欢吃肉。,【用法】 milk是不可数名词,当表示数量时,其前可以用a bottle of。

3、外研版外研版英语英语三年级下册三年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 3 Unit 2 I dont like riding my bike. skip 跳绳 动词的ing形式:skipping 第一课时第一课时 热身导入 bike 自行车 同义词: bicycle 复数: bikes ride 骑 动词的ing形式:riding 短语:ride a bike Do you like 。

4、Module3,Unit 2 Point to the desk.,Say the chant:,Hello, hi, hello, hi. Good morning and good afternoon.How are you ? Im fine. Thank you. And how are you?I am fine, too.Whats your name?Im Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam.,Listen and do:,Say the chant:,Stand up Sit downpoint to the window point to the doorpoint to the chairpoint to the deskpoint to the blackboard and sit well,Do you know?,bird,Game:point to the.,bird,Pairworks:,Say and do:Point to the,Homework:,孩子们,你们真棒,今天又学会了一些新的英语知识。

5、Module 3,Unit 2 Point to the desk.,bird,classroom,Whats in the classroom?,desk,window,blackboard,door,Thank you!,No!,window,desk,blackboard,door,bird,Great!,1. Point to ,2. Stand up.,3. Sit down.,指向,起立,坐下,4 please,请,Whats missing?,Stand up.,Sit down.,Point to ,What s missing?,Point to ,Stand up.,Sit down.,Sit down.,Point to ,What s missing?,Stand up.,Whats missing?,Stand up.,Sit down.,Point to,Point to the blackboard.,Point to the chair.,Point to the desk.,Poin。

6、Period 3,Tastes,2,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and spell,Ask and answer,It is an apple.,How is the apple?,What is it?,It is red. It is round. It is sweet. It is juicy.,Ask and answer,How is ?,What is it?,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read and guess,1,3,2,Read and guess,It is green. It is big and round. It is sweet. What is it?,1,Read and guess,2,It is brown. It is sweet. It 。

7、Lesson 1,Unit 1 Hello, Miss Liu!,Lets practice!,Number number,sing the song hello,Listen and Act ACT,Jack.,Lucy.,Hello,Hello,Lucy.,Please sit down,Jack.,Thank you,Lucy.,Goodbye,Jack.,Goodbye,1. Hello , Jack . Hello , Lucy ! 2. Please sit down , Lucy .Thank you , Jack . 3. Goodbye , Lucy .Goodbye , Jack .,Work in pairs . Say .,Lesson 2,lesson2,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,早上,太阳升起来了!,太阳落山了!,Good evening !,Good afternoon,Hao Tian.,Good afternoon,Im Hao Tian.,Hi, Ha。

8、Unit 1 Hello, Miss Liu,Yong Xing Primary School Tan Hui,Do you know them?,Do you know them?,Do you know them?,DVD,TV,CCTV,USA,cm,Hi,Do you know them?,Hello, Im_.,Lets talk,Hello, Im_.,Lets talk,Hello,_.,Lets talk,Hello,_.,Lets talk,Lets talk,Hi, Im.,Lets act,morning,afternoon,1.用所学的英文表达向父母问好,介绍自己的名字。 2.给父母演唱英文hello歌。,Homework,。

9、Easter Eggs 复活节的介绍,复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。,复活节彩蛋是西方国家在庆祝复活节时特别装饰性的蛋。传统上一般是使用经过染色的蛋类。现代的习惯通常是使用蛋状的巧克力代替。,彩蛋一般事先藏好,然后由儿童来找寻。是复活节的象征性物品,是表达友谊、关爱和祝愿的方式。基督徒以复活蛋比喻为“新生命的开始”,象征“耶稣复活、走出石墓”。,塞尔维亚复活节彩蛋,Easters Eggs ma。

10、Unit 5 Its a Lemon,Lesson 2,重大版小学英语三年级上册, Whats this? Its a .,Sharp eyes:,Its a birthday cake!,Welcome to the birthday party ! (欢迎来到生日派对),Happy birthday,Wendi!,Thank you!,Lets say:,Tips: 1.Loudly(洪亮) 2.Clearly(清晰)3.Fluently(流利),Thank you very much !,Have a pear, please.,Sentences(参考句型)1.Hi/Hello/Good morning!2.Come in. 3.Thank you (very much)! 4.Sit down, please. 5.Happy birthday.6.Whats this? Its a . 7.Have a ,please.8.Yummy!9.Bye!/Goodbye!/See you!Tips(提示)1.。

11、Unit 6 Lesson 2,Happy new year,bear,Bear ,bear ,I love bear.,balloon,Balloon ,balloon, a balloon for you.,plane,Plane ,plane ,it is a big plane .,boat,Boat ,boat ,this is a lovely boat.,boat,plane,balloon,bear,Whats missing?,boat,plane,balloon,boat,Whats missing,Bear,Whats missing?,bear,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,ballon,Whats missing?,Chant,Bear ,bear , a white bear Boat ,boat, a boat for you Balloon , balloon ,a yellow balloon Plane ,plane ,a plane for you,Lets practise,Listen an。

12、,What colours are there in the picture? 图片上有些什么颜色?,Unit 4,What Colour Is It?,高治小学 :唐雯,red,white,yellow,green,blue,red,green,white,blue,What colour is it? Its red, R-E-D, red.,yellow,变魔术,Listen to the tape.,Listen to the tape.,游戏规则:老师将含有今天所学颜色的图片贴在黑板上,请三位学生到讲台前,老师说颜色的英语单词,然后学生听到后以最快的速度去触碰黑板上的图片,谁最快触碰到图片,并且触碰颜色正确,谁就获胜。,Touching Games,(触碰游戏),Colour : red white yellow green blue,Sent。

13、小朋友,再见!,Unit 5 Its a lemon Lesson3,Task1:Review the words,1.Read the words by yourself.(1min)完成导学单任务1,先自己读一读并在你会读的单词后打“” 2.Check in group.(3mins)请一号同学拿出你信封里的单词卡片,与小组成员用问答的形式交流单词,并在“他能读”栏目里打根据情况打“” Tips:1.help each other(同学读时,组内同学注意仔细倾听,互相纠正不正确的发音)2.全组完成任务1后,请迅速将卡片放回信封里并静息。,apple,grape,lemon,pear,picture,watermelon,banana,strawberry,orange,Fruit tree,Task2: Say and。

14、Unit 6 Happy New Year ! Lesson 3,New year is coming !,注意: 要更改此幻灯片上的图像,请选择图片并将其删除。然后单击占位符中的“插入图片”图标 以插入您自己的图像。,Tasks for this lesson(本课目标),1. I can read 我会读,2. I can cooperate我会合作,3. I can act我会演,Watch and tick 看短片,选择答案打“”,What gifts do they have ?他们得到了哪些礼物?,A. A dog B. A cat C. A card and a rabbit,?,任务1,自学(learn by yourselves),Read and teach in groups小组互学,尝试教读圈出的内容,互学(coopetative lea。

15、Whats your number,0 1 2 3 4 5,zero,one,two,three,four,five,Good morning , class !早上好,同学们! Good morning ,Mr.Li ! 早上好,李老师! Number off ,please . 请报数。 One ,Two ,Three , Three . 1,2,3,3。Three? Oh no .Four . 3? 噢不。4.,Whats your number?你是几号?,Three,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,five,four,two,three,zero,one,ten,nine,eight,seven,7,six,Good afternoon ! Im Hao Tian . 下午好!我是皓天。 Good afternoon , Hao Tian ! 下午好! 皓天How old are you ? 你多大了?Im eight。

16、重大版小学英语 三年级下册,Unit 2 I Have a New Toy,兰城第四小学 丁庆玲,青青草原上住着村长和一群可爱的小羊们,Happy Childrens Day!,6月1日,Hi! I have a new toy.,Wow! Its a ship.,Wow! Its a kite.,Wow! Its a bus. Thank you.,Wow! Its a train. Thank you very much!,Wow! Its a panda. Thank you very much!,Wow! Its a monkey. Thank you ! Miss Liu.,Hello! Im Hao Tian.,Today is my birthday.,Happy birthday!,uncle,Hello, Uncle.,aunt,Good morning, Aunt.,Uncle,Hello, Uncle and Aunt.,Aunt,and,Good morning, Uncle a。

17、,Look, a ball !,nin,Review,Our friends: Max Rex Miss Liu Mr.White,Good morning !,Good afternoon !,car,a,ball.,a,Its,它是一个球。,Its a car.,Its,Its,a,Its,a,Its,Its,a,Its,ball.,a,Its,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,Its a car.,它是一辆车。,Its a car.,Its a car.,它是一辆车。,Its a car.,Its a car.,cat,a,Its,.,它是一只猫。,Its,a,Its,cat,a,Its,cat,car,dog.,Its a,它是一只狗。,Its a,dog.,Its a,car,cat,ball,dog,car,A:很高兴认识你!,B:我。

18、Unit 2,Look, a Ball!,ball,car,cat,dog,Look,a ball,Yes,its a ball.,Look,a dog,Yes,its a dog.,Look,a cat,Yes,its a cat.,Look,a car,Yes,its a car.,Look,a car,No,its a ball.,Look,a cat.,No,its a dog.,Look,a dog.,No,its a cat.,Look,a ball,No,its a car.,Hi! Im GaoWendi,Hi! Im He Ping,Nice to meet you!,Nice to meet you, too.,知识总结,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you,too.,Look,a ball,Yes,its a ball.,No,its a dog.,pen,pencil。

19、Unit 2,Look, a Ball!,Look,a ball,Yes,its a ball.,Look,a dog,Yes,its a dog.,Look,a car,Yes,its a car.,Look,a car,No,its a ball.,Look,a cat.,No,its a dog.,Look,a ball,No,it isnt.,pen p-en,pencil pen-cil,ruler ru-ler,book boo-k,A book?,Yes, it is.,A ruler?,Yes, it is.,A pen?,Yes, it is.,A pencil?,Yes, it is.,A ruler?,No, it isnt. Its a book.,A book?,No, it isnt. Its a ruler.,A pencil?,No, it isnt. Its a pen.,A pen?,No, it isnt. Its a pencil.,Ste。

20、,Unit 2 Look, a ball!,酉水河中心校张漫,Lets sing,Lets review,dog,ball,cat,car,Play a game! (火眼金睛),cat,Its a,Whats this?,这是什么?,它是.,Whats this?,dog,Its a,car,Its a,Whats this?,ball,Its a,Whats this?,Homework,跟读look,listen and say的录音 。 ,see you next time!,。

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